“The butterfly is a powerful symbol for transformation. It is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic.” by Vlinder
Acupuncture is a traditional Asian healing system of over 4,000 years old. This system encourages the body’s own natural healing process, and it can prevent disease, control pain, and enhance overall health. This technique utilizes sterile, disposible, single-use stainless steel needles inserted at specific points into the body to cause a positive response in order to correct various ailments. The location of the application of the needles and the depth of their insertion is determined by the nature of the condition.
Acupuncture works specifically on regulating the flow of energy within meridians, or channels, that travel throughout the body and interconnect the whole body. The choice of points is done based on an intensive diagnosis of the patient based on traditional chinese medicine principles.
Moxibustion is the application of indirect heat supplied by burning the herb Artemisiae vulgaris or mugwort plant over points or areas of the body. The function is to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Cupping utilizes either round glass or plastic cups, generating negative pressure suction. The cup(s) lay over a large muscular area to enhance blood circulation, release toxins, and reduce pain.
Herbal Therapy is used to facilitate the body’s own restorative process. Herbs are usually prescribed as a formula, combining various single herbs together. Formulas may be taken in pill form or made into teas from powder. Herbs are mainly made from roots, barks, and different parts of a plant. The formula is prescribed based on the patient’s traditional chinese medicine diagnosis and may change as the patient’s condition changes. It can be taken either in conjunction with acupuncture or as its own therapy. When taken properly, Chinese herbs can be safely combined with western medications as well as with other nutritional supplements.
Nutritional Therapy utilizes the concept of food as medicine. Classical chinese medicine practice states that when a person is sick, the person’s diet and lifestyle should be regulated first, then implement other therapies such as acupuncture and herbs. Foods have properties similar to herbs in regards to temperature, affect on the organ system, and flavor. Therefore, they can help re-balance a person back to health according to a person’s constitution.
Tui Na is a form of Chinese massage which involves various techniques to promote the circulation of energy and blood and to disperse pathogenic factors. It facilitates in healing and pain management.
Acupuncture as a covered therapy by insurance.
More and more insurance companies are covering acupuncture treatments. We are happy to check your acupuncture benefits to determine your level of coverage, however you will be responsible for any charges that your insurance plan does not cover.
Many insurance policies set generalized limits to the number of acupuncture treatments they will cover in a year. They may combine these with chiropractic or physical therapy visits. However, because these limits are not specific to you or your condition, you may find that you would benefit from continued treatment after you have reached your limit.
It is important that you not delay receiving proper care simply because your plan limit has been reached. This can lead to more costly and side-effect ridden medical intervention.
What patients are saying:
“Can’t thank you enough for doing so much! Words can’t describe how much you have helped me.”
“No matter how bad or stressful my day is, after my treatment, I always leave calmer and relaxed.”
“Thank you for all your help.”