About Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of medicine from China. It is known to be in practice for over 4,000 years. TCM is based on a concept of balanced qi (pronounced “chee”), or vital energy, that is believed to flow throughout the body. Qi is proposed to regulate a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical balance and to be influenced by the opposing forces of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy).
When our energy qi is flowing freely we are healthy and at ease in body, mind and spirit. Disease is proposed to result from the flow of qi being disrupted and yin and yang becoming imbalanced. Therefore TCM works with your energy to treat the root of the imbalance and body as a whole, not just your symptoms. Among the components of TCM are acupuncture, herbal and nutritional therapy, meditation, breathing exercises, and tui na massage.
Acupuncture, a therapeutic specialty of Chinese medicine, is an ancient healing art through which healing is facilitated by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities. No medicines have to be ingested that may have unwanted side effects. The body’s miraculous healing powers are activated through the insertion of very fine, single-use, disposable, sterile needles into points that are empirically known to affect the major body systems, as well as the functions of your internal organs. Qi can be accessed by these points in channels (meridians) which flow over the surface of the body and circulate through every part of our being. Acupuncture unblocks and re-balances the flow of Qi to re-establish harmony in the body.
As well as acupuncture, your treatment plan may also include deep relaxation exercises and bodywork to support your healing.
Why does acupuncture work?
From a physiological standpoint, western science research reveals that acupuncture:
1. Strengthens the Immune System – The hormonal system is activated which can aid in the repair of the body’s cells as well as enhance the immune system. Whether or not you are immune compromised, you want your immune systemt= as strong as possible, and this is a positive bi-product of all acupuncture treatments.
2. Reduces Pain – Acupuncture stimulates the secretions of endorphins which helps in pain reduction. Endorphins are 1000 times stronger than morphine and without the side effects or dependency!
3. Improves Mood and Releases Stress – Certain neurotransmitter levels are affected, such as serotonin, the body’s natural mood enhancer. Rise in serotonin relieves depression, mood disorders, addictions, and weight gain.
4. Enhances the Circulatory System – Levels of oxygen and blood flow are increased in order to promote healing with long-lasting results. It aids in reducing high blood pressure and provides increased healing due to an injury or after a surgical procedure.
5. Pain Impulses are Blocked – Acupuncture interrupts the neurotransmission of pain signals from reaching the brain, thus reducing the experience of pain.
Traditional Oriental Medicine, which includes acupuncture, has gained worldwide acceptance and recognition. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective medical treatment, stating “the sheer weight of evidence demands that acupuncture must be taken seriously as a clinical procedure of considerable value.”
Conditions successfully treated with acupuncture:
- Emotional – stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, addictions, smoking cessation, weight management
- Musculoskeletal – neck and back pain, arthritis, sciatica, sport injuries, shoulder pain, knee pain, carpal tunnel
- Gastrointestinal – constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, acid reflux, abdominal pain
- Neurological – headaches, migraines, post-operative pain and recovery, nerve pain
- Respiratory – asthma, allergies, colds/flu, sinusitis, sore throat, ear infections
- Gynecological – premenstrual problems, menstrual disorders/irregularities, infertility, menopause, urinary tract infection
- Chemotherapy side effects
- Postpartum – depression, fatigue, back pain, anxiety
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Please call our office to discuss your particular concerns. You can book a complimentary 15-minute consultation where we can talk on the phone or in person.
What else is important in addition to receiving acupuncture?
Regular Quality Sleep – Having regular quality sleep is particularly important for proper self-repair of the body and balancing of the biological rhythm. In Chinese Medicine the amount and quality of sleep provides information on the interrelationship between the body and mind.
Relaxation – The importance of stress management and relaxation is often underestimated. Prolonged stress over the years can lead to various medical conditions that eventually manifest into physical symptoms. Regular practice of stress management and relaxation exercises, such as deep abdominal breathing, is very important.
Nutrition & Diet Therapy – Chinese Medicine stresses the importance of routine and regularity in one’s diet. Emphasis is placed on the types of foods eaten and the way foods are eaten. Choice of foods can become imbalanced when eating too much cold food, eating too much hot food, eating too much greasy food, and not eating enough.
Exercise – A proper amount of regular exercise is essential to preserve good health and mobility since it stimulates the circulation of qi and blood. External exercises, such as walking, develop muscles and tendons. Internal exercises, such as yoga, develop qi and massages the internal organs.
More and more acupuncture is being seen as complementary to Western medicine and is often prescribed as an adjunct to traditional treatments. Acupuncture works with the body, making it more amenable to all forms of treatment. It helps the body assimilate medications and can reduce their side effects without decreasing their efficacy.
Still have questions? Please call (954) 862-1777 anytime. We look forward to hearing from you.